Thursday, December 29, 2005 


Well fuck me sideways. It may not look great, but atleast the comments work. Now all you smack talkers can go back and post your nonsense. I did not really want to post today, but I had to get my comments back up and going, so since im here, why the hell not. A co-worker wanted me to go make a funny comment on one of her family members blogs. The post or my comment is not what im writing about though. As I was reading through the comments I could not help but notice one that stuck out. I have noticed on several peoples blogs, there are comments like this all over the place. People who talk gangster. Comments where shit is every other word, yo. Now i love obscenities. I use them when I feel it is necessary to get a point across or when it is funny. The difference is that I do not have the mouth of a crackwhore, I can curse and still be very articulate at the same time. I could say mother fucker to an eighty year old grandmother and keep her from being offended. Im just talented, what the fuck can I say? These people can create a blog, but they can not spel hole words yo. g's gotta have short cutz, shiet. What is with the gangster talk? Why do some women go for this bullshit? When I was in the bad boy scene, I was hanging out with some of the biggest drug dealers in the entire panhandle. Did they talk like gangsters? Fuck no, they talked proper and dressed right.... I mean he may have had a loaded gun or two at all times, and listened to rap music, but he did not come across to the average joe as a ganster or thug. They were business men. All people who are successful in the drug trade or even stolen goods, are normal speaking business men. None of the pants hanging off the ass with a backwards hat, OG crap. Those are the people you see on cops, and going to jail. I just had to rant about it because I see these fucking posers trying to talk like they are billy badass. It irritates the shit out of me and now I even have to look at on the internet. Nobody I talk to does this, but some of you do have those kind of people that comment on your blogs.... explain it to me. Is it cool? Are they really that uneducated? Maybe they are missing some fingers, so that is why the type the way they do??? Just to clarify, I am not talking about isabel and aty type writing with the cuz and that stuff.... Im talking about the holy shit I need to bust out with my homie decoder ring to translate that, kind of writing.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 

Capital Punishment

To kill some time at work today, I decided that maybe I will discuss a few things that I believe should be changed about the death penalty. But first, some other things. Isabel is working without her pants on, atleast that is what she told me. She will not Enséñame las tetas because ella no quiere compartir . My friend April has been shameless about advertising her man's blog everywhere, so I figured why not just write about it. He is a nurse in the emergency room at a hospital somewhere, and has started a blog to write about some strange and funny stuff he see's working overnight in the ER. Now so far what he has, I find amusing, but if it turns out later to be boring, then I of coarse have to deny that I know who he is (hence the "my friend aprils man"). The blog is . He just started it the other day. And on Sams blog , she asked me to say one word, and she would write about that one word in her blog. Of coarse I said tits. Now she said that Lucy Lu's tits are to small, which of coarse is blasphemy. Just thought I would bring that up because it drives me nuts that all these women want to have tig ol bitties. My wife wants to buy some, and that is ridiculous. Why would you want to make them bigger, if your husband does not like big ones??? And as for the new template, what do you think? better or no? I gotta get my profile moved to the side instead of at the bottom which I am working on, and I want to get the comments below the post instead of above. I also want get a picture of myself on the damn profile. everything has to be blocked here at work....
I also saw King Kong the other night, it sucked. I will be pissed if there is any oscar nominations for the movie other than special effects.
Anyway, as for the death penalty, I am all for it. There are many cases where I think it should not have been used. I think first degree murder, which means that it was thought out and planned, deserves the sentence. although, I do think it should just be used in cases where there is physical evidence. My main thought on this is that it would help with the debate whether innocent people are ever executed. Now along these lines that means that people like scott peterson would be sentenced to life without parole, I personally believe that he should be killed, but we can not make things a case by case deal, like things currently are. I do not know if it still is, but in Texas, aggrivated rape used to be a capital offense. I would leave that up the women of america to decide if that was right. do you think it should be? I would change our system to be more like Chinas method. In China if a person is sentenced to die, they are executed within a few weeks after one or two appeals. I think waiting up to twenty years is ridiculous and expensive. We need to limit the amount of appeals that are allowed and the time in which it all happens. I think we need to adopt china's actual method on execution as well. In china the condemned is shot in the back of the head by a rifle with a hollow point bullet. This is very cheap and you don't have to pay several doctors to do it. I also believe this is more humane. The electric chair needs to be abolished all together. Until a few years ago, the Chinese would send a bill to the family of the condemned for the price of the bullet. When a person is sentenced to die, they must be fully aware at the time of execution. They must understand that they are about to die for the crimes they commited. So the sedatives you hear about can not be much more than a tylenol (im sure they are stronger, just painting a picture). I personally do not care if they are aware at the time or not, give them something stronger. dead is dead. The last thing I am going to bring up is public execution. I think this should be reinstated. public hangings would make me think twice about murdering someone.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 


Holy shit I suppose that I should update.... calm down people. Where should I start? First off, "hottest" asian... I never said clean. I said more serious. As in the fact that I am not writing about sex, porn, and other perversions. I am not just trying to be funny on this blog. Second, I know I should not have sent that email, but if I am forced to work by myself with that woman, and I have to listen to horrible, gross, and nasty details that will make it difficult for me to get my dick up for atleast three months, why should I suffer alone? Another thing that I wonder about is why do some of you people read my blog, but you never comment... you call me or email me? what is up with that.... comment, you people know who you are.
There are a few things that I could seriously bitch about today that are making headlines lately. Since I do not have much time I suppose I will just bitch about one. Stanley "Tookie" Williams, what an asshole. Why would death penalty opponents pick this guy to rally around? I obviously am for the death penalty, but that does not mean that I don't think some reforms should be made to it. I think the death penalty is used in many cases where it should not be, for instance I think it should only be applied to cases where there is physical evidence. Im not going into detail about all the reforms I think should be made at this time. My question is why Tookie? I watch the news all the time, and it is irritating the shit out of me to watch all of these actors that I think are great actors, make such asses out of themselves. I don't think I will ever be able to enjoy MASH as much now. I realize that these people are against the death penalty, but why can that not be their argument? Why could they not just try to save tookie by saying the death penalty should be abolished? Instead they have to try to paint a picture of this asshole being a decent human being. Nominated five times for the Nobel Prize... so the fuck what, so was Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. I could be nominated for the Nobel Prize. The so called childrens books were written by his "co-author", while he was arguing in court that his life should be spared due to brain damage. It was only after this failed that he took credit for the books and started participating in the writing. His best seller was only 300 copies.... that is fucking laughable. He spent six years in solitary confinement. He repeatedly attacked other inmates and guards. He was caught planning several escapes, one of which involved killing a guard. He could have saved his own life if he would have helped the police with unsolved crimes, of which he never denied that he had knowledge of. The death row guards came out to say that they do get attached to some of the prisoners, and that they get upset when some are executed, but they all agreed that no one there was going to miss tookie. It sounded to me like they were happy to see him go. I can respect other people's opinion of the death penalty being wrong, but when they start trying to make bad people look good, that is just the entirely wrong way of arguing it. Tookie is having a funeral that could rival that of a president.... I think all the celebrities that are going should be forced to talk to the victims families, before they attend, to explain themselves.
I still have a few minutes to kill before I get off of work... I bought Serenity last night on DVD. Great movie, I highly recommend it to everyone. You don't have to be a sci fi fan to enjoy it. I think I have to go see King Kong tonight. It is not that I don't want to see it, but there are other more serious movies out that I would prefer to see first. I don't know why they are making all this buzz about a gorilla movie being a major contender for the oscars. I just don't see how a sci fi movie could have the kind of acting in it that makes you think "oh my god, thats an oscar winner there". Though I must admit im a huge fan of adrien brody, so hopefully this publicity will get him more mainstream roles.

Friday, December 09, 2005 

Bored at work

fuck me sideways, it is so damn boring right now. People need to update their blogs so that I can have something to read. I did my blog rounds today, then read all my news sites that I go to. Tried to convince carla, who was covering for someone else, that friday nights at corporate systems is clothing optional night. She did not go for it. Doesn't matter anyway, I did not have my cell phone here to take a picture. I do think that would be a good idea... have a little nudist colony here on friday and saturday nights. Must be under 30 to attend...... I took care of some christmas shopping on the net while my wife did some at the mall. My wife running around with a card at the mall, while unattended is very risky, so I will find out how that went. I get off in a few minutes, so I just had to kill a little time before I lost my mind. Remember, Lesbians make the world a better place.

Thursday, December 08, 2005 

Asian Cuisine

Sooner or later my co worker sam will have to give up her free twenty four hour babysitting service, and bring her baby home. Unfortunately, this means that sam must also give up her cat for a period of time. Now as everyone knows, I am not only the smartest, but also the most kindest person in this city. Don't lie, you know I am. Since I have graciously decided to adopt sam's cat for this period of time, and since I am doing so tonight, I started thinking about my cat jericho. I do not hate cats, but I have never loved them either. I was never devastated over the loss of a cat, like I was over a family member or a good dog. So when my current wife and I started having a serious relationship a few years ago, It was very difficult for her to convince me to let her get a cat from the pound. After many sexual favors were promised (but never delivered), I caved in and told her she could get a cat. I was very upset though by her choice. She picked the one that was hiding in the back of a cage, and had no interest in us what so ever. All the other cats were purring and begging for our attention. I have decided though that her decision to pick that cat was one of the all time greatest decisions. I would put it up there with some other all time great decisions such as, writing the Declaration of Independence and opening the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise. The pound here in amarillo has an overnight drop off place, where a person can go in and put various animals in various cages. A person could also just walk in and take the animal out, which is what we did. After breaking this cat out from the pound at three in the morning, we took him to my fathers house, which is where I was living at the time. It was at this time that the cat started purring non stop and showed some signs of gratitude for the clemency we granted him, but it is also when we realized we picked a defective cat. Im not kidding when I say defective. The cat could not walk right. His back legs could not stay straight and when he would run he would run almost sideways, His back legs would be right beside his front legs. The fact that he was a retard was not the only reason I was kicking my ass for taking in a damn cat, my wife stole the name I was saving for the next dog I got. Jericho turned out to be a great cat. Jericho was atleast a year old when we got him, and at the time I Just turned 18, so I was still living with my father, who hated cats. Needless to say Jericho spent many of his first two months with us living in my Vehicle. No complaints what so ever. Don't get bitchy now for me leaving a cat in a car all day (it was a ford explorer.... somewhat big) I would sneak him in every day, and all night. Jericho would answer to his name and would just follow me around everywhere. We would not let him outside due to his inability to jump or balance, but when we would go on walks we would let him out and he would stay right next to us, as if he were on a leash. He loved car rides. I could go on and on about what a great cat jericho was. Our rotweiller was not a cat fan either, and he got a hold of jericho and killed him a few months ago. That was the only cat I have ever liked enough to bury. So now I will have sam's cat. This means that whenever I want sam to work for me she will agree or she must fear me feeding the cat to one of my three snakes. Nobody really wants to read about a fucking cat, I know this, but I was bored and had nothing else to write about. Blogging kills time. Also I figured that I could be an asshole and make the asian people, that read my blog while we are working, hungry by talking about cats.....

Saturday, December 03, 2005 

Damn, I'm to opinionated.

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