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Thursday, August 24, 2006 

Should Have Been a Blowjob

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I personally feel that there's nothing wrong with the morning after pill. This is far from being equal to an abortion. All this thing does is prevent you from getting pregnant. Same purpose as condoms and birth control. Don't you have to be pregnant first to have an abortion? If so then why would this pill be anything close to it? I don't get it. Lets say 2 kids both age 17, 4 months shy from graduation are doing it and the condom breaks. I think they should be able to take that pill. What if they have big dreams of going to college and living a successful life, hassle free? It's not like they weren't using condoms and being totally careless. Lets make it juicy and say they both have full ride academic scholarships to UT. Him on a football and her on a softball. Until universities start paying their players, you gotta admit this dude's gonna be in trouble. And for her i didn't think they let pregnant chicks play college softball. Maybe i'm wrong. hmm.... Anyways, the last thing you want happening is her getting pregnant. In this case especially, i think the morning after pill should be allowed. Yeah, yeah, it's possible to do all that and have a kid but you can't deny that it would be hard as hell to accomplish. I go back to the fact that they weren't being careless in the first place so you can't say "oh well shouldn't have been doing it." Everyone does it.

Oh and by the way i read that the term "morning-after pill" is a little misleading. You don't necessarily have to take it the morning after sex. You have up to about 72 hours (3 days) to take it. Of course the earlier the better. Within 24 hours is the preferred time frame. Just thought i'd throw that in there as a little FYI.

are you saying I should have been a blow job since I don't believe in Jesus? hahah

Jr knows an awful lot about the morning after pill - explain where you got your knowledge, arturo.

Also, if those two people HAD conceived a child, would it be okay to have an abortion, jr? I mean, it would be hard to finish school with a child, right?

Sometimes you have to take responsibility for your actions - and if it means you got pregnant, then so be it. And, in my opinion, it is worth it. But I can understand that some people don't view having a child as one of the greatest gifts. That's why they have adoption.

That being said, I think taking the morning after pill is no different than taking birth control.

Let me start with Jr. The reason people say it is equal to an abortion, and the reason why some pharmacist have refused to hand it out, is because it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine lining. The major consensus amongst pro-lifers, is that life begins at fertilization. If you do not agree that life starts when the egg is fertilized.... When does it start?

Sam, the jesus thing relates in the fact that you call yourself something you are not. Just like when pressured many of the pro-lifers ultimately people should have a right to choose in SOME circumstance... How the hell can they be for it only some of the time?

As for adoption.... Great, most of them will be adopted as babies. Forget about all the issues stated in the news lately about torture, rape, and abuse associated with several adoption cases. So the minority that are not adopted as babies get to live a life in an orphanage, which we pay for by the way with taxes. I have known several people that lived in orphanages, some experiences were good and some were bad. Forget the babies though... What about all the abused and unwanted older children we have up for adoption today? Everyone is taking the unwanted babies that could have been aborted... Or even more popular... Apparently it is trendy to go get yourself a foreign kid. Fuck the unwanted American kids, get a russian, korean, or chinese child. I have a sister and a cousin that are in the process of doing that very thing. I am not saying that there is anything at all wrong with that... I am just saying.

Topics are not always as easily decided as people believe.

Although I agree that there are many children out there who need to find homes, there are just as many who HAVE found good homes. And I also believe that everything happens for a reason. SO if a child lives a very difficult life growing up because he/she was in an orphanage, perhaps they will be a counseler for children in their position. You never know what these children will accomplish when they grow up. Who knows, maybe the child that YOU think should have been aborted will one day figure out a solution to this whole mess? My only point is that these babies at least deserve a chance to live - they don't deserve to be stripped of any hope before they are even born.

as far as the abuse and rape of adopted children - besides the fact that this happens frequenly by BIRTH parents as well - perhaps we should instate stricter laws for these types of offenders, get them off of our streets and take away THEIR chance to live - instead of the ones that didn't do anything wrong.

Perhaps one day when all of America is renamed the "Republic of Texas", that will happen. We can just line people up in the streets an hang em for being dumb.
As for what the kids could possibly do some day.... I would bet my left testicle most of them turn out to be losers.

eh, most kids nowaday will be losers anyways. regardless of whether or not they were wanted.

except for David, of course. That's why he's gonna be president.

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