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Tuesday, November 22, 2005 


sitting around at work is pretty boring so we come up with strange things to think about. this was a subject sam brought up and im sure she is writing about it on her blog. http://titillatingtreat.blogspot.com/ . but i decided to steal her thoughts to add to my blog. shhh don't tell her. anyways she brought up the fact that her grandmother was married to her grandfather for many years until he passed away. after this she was married to another man for many years. the second husband died before she did. now this is the quandary, when her grandmother died she was buried next to the second husband.... how do you decide who you should be buried next to? i think i might be rather offended if i was the first husband.... strange stuff. by the way sam just got monitored on a call. this is a big deal because she always has perfect scores because the bosses just assume she knows what she is doing. this could not be further from the truth. anyways she just got monitored for the first time in god knows how long, and she did not get a perfect score. technically she should have a zero, but our supervisor is taking pity on her. hahahahaha sam sucks

You're just mad because I'm better than you at our job. Sorry for your bad luck! At any rate, I asked Junior about our quandry, and he said that if it happened to him, he would be buried along as opposed to "picking favorites"...

oops I meant alone

damn these word verifications are getting longer & longer!!! Here's the one I have to enter now:

I recently attended a funeral, and I got a good look at that cement box thinging that they lower your casket into. This has inspired me to update my will to include my wish to be creamated. Anyway, maybe she never intended for husband #1 to pass before she did. Maybe she liked husband #2 better... or maybe when she bought his plot, she got a discount on her own plot. Perhaps there isn't any space next to where husband #1 was buried.

I appreciate the comment. I would not like to debate on this matter however. I now understand that you did not know that she was refering to me. Thank you for correcting the matter.


maybe she shouldve had the top half of her body buried with one of husband and the bottom half buried with the husband that was best in bed. oh, i deleted my other blog. i just suck. nothing pleases u.


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