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Friday, November 18, 2005 

I pledge allegiance...

on the news lately i have been hearing about these two dipshits that are suing their city of los cruces , NM. they are claiming that the symbol of the three crosses for los cruces which translates into "the crosses" is offensive to them and is not a seperation of church and state. i have stated in an earlier post that i am in fact an athiest, but i am not one of those pissed off at the world athiest. i think this is absolutely ridiculous. how the fuck can you expect to live in a city called the crosses and not see a damn cross??? i have seen interviews with these two people, but their religous beliefs or lack thereof have not been stated. so who the hell knows what is up the asses of these two nuts. i just wanted it to be known that not all athiest are crazy like these people, just like all the christians are not nuts as many are here in the bible belt where i live. I think it is ridiculous that religous books are banned in public schools, even for personal time. I could care less if the money has in god we trust or not. none of that bothers me. have all the damn statues of commandments or whatever you belive in that you want. the only thing that has been in the news that i DO agree with is the pledge of allegiance. It is my opinion that the "Under God" should be taken out. This may be for personal reasons, as i was suspended for refusing to say it in elementary school. At this time I was not absolutely an athiest but it is when i really started questioning my religous teachings at the time. But coming from a family that has more people of faith then agnostics or athiests like myself, I have discovered that people of all beliefs share my opinion. Most suprising to me is that i have not met a single minister, including my brother-in-law, that believes "under god" should be left in it. For the most part their opinions on the matter is if it was written by a minister, without the "under god", why are all these people mad about taking it out? good point. I knew educated people of faith would impress me every now and then. It was added to the pledge during the communist scare, seeing as how all communist must be dirtly little athiest, and would refuse to say under god. anyways thats my point of view on the subject. if i had more time i would throw my view on the creationism debate out there. i get off of work in half and hour, so to kill some time im gonna go sit outside, while on the clock, and smoke a couple of cigarettes. great job.

well I personally believe that "Under God" should be left in the pledge...but I also know that in order to convince you I will have to have done my homework...and since I haven't, I'll have to convince you later.

bring it on

depends on which boss your talking about... cause one of em goes out to smoke with me, and i really don't think the other one would care.

just to let you know, I emailed what aty put on her xanga and she found it just inspirational enough to put it on her xanga. I did not ask for your opinion, and I know you are an athiest. I have not pushed my beliefs upon you, and I would appreciate it if you did not make such rude comments about what I say. I refuse to argue with you about it because you think you are right and I think I am right, so there is absolutely no point in argueing.

your not very popular lately are you?

my reply to nicki on her blog is below. just for clarification for everyone else. (anonymous). the comment in question was in reply to a post about god knowing what you are going to do every second,minute, blah blah blah. i argued with sam on this the other day too. god gave humans free will, so god technically does not know what you are going to do since god has no control over free will. i would like other peoples opinion on that argument. sam is the only person i have religous talks with, but that is more political such as church and state, and she brings it up. an athiest comment or for me to push my beliefs on anyone would have been "that is wrong because god does not exist"

you need to chill with the whole comments thing. i said absolutely nothing athiest related, it was actually being argued from a christian point of view. the fact that i am an athiest does not mean i am any less educated in the bible. as a matter of fact i am more educated than most christians. i could argue the bible either for or against. i am not claiming i know more than you in particular. the whole mouth of nicki is full of s#$T (assuming you do not want profanity here) was a misunderstanding. it was meant more as a sarcastic remark. i did not put it together until i read your comment that you are the nicki being refered to, i forget that you are a religous person and if i would have remembered that i would have put it together. i did not mean to offend you. and if you would like to argue my point of view on matter, let me know. i can do it with mentioning anything about being an athiest. i love a good adult debate.

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