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Friday, November 04, 2005 


now i am not a woman, so my point of view on the whole abortion thing does not matter, but i feel that i need to throw my warped opinion out there. There are so many people in the world that are just so fucking stupid, that i believe not only should abortion be a choice, but that it should be mandatory in some cases. I mean come on, the gene pool is getting pretty watered down now don't ya think. I have a perfect example, there is a woman i work with, i shall call her connie for personal amusement. Now i will not hold the fact that connie looks like she fell off the ugly tree and hit every damn branch on the way down against her, but my god she is so fucking dumb. she is in her forties i would guess, and is the absolute messiest woman i have ever met. she has ketchup, crumbs, and all sorts of other questionable stains all around her desk. it is a disaster zone. *edited out for un mentioned reasons*. connie has a lot of dislikes; she also believes that she does her job perfectly and that she is a good employee. this could not be further from the truth. apparently, one of her dislikes is being "chewed out" by someone younger then her. the funny thing about this is our boss is younger then her. so she thinks everyone is out to get her and no one knows what they are talking about because we are younger. she is going to be fired within weeks i would guess, but still the fact that we have people that are this moronic walking around and multiplying drives me fucking nuts. i personally have never met her child, so i maybe i am just an asshole, but i would be willing to bet that this child does not fall far from the tree. now i don't have time before i get off work to write about all the other examples of stupid people i think should have been aborted, or forced to have hysterectomies or vasectomies. i just had to write about "connie" today due to what i was told when i came to work. apparently, a friend had called my work to tell me that i left my cell phone at her house. connie had taken this message, and then proceeded to ask for my cell phone number so she could call me to tell me the message?????? what the fuck? i do not claim to be better than everyone, but i do know im better then alot of people. i just think that instead of arguing about whether abortion should be a choice or not, i think we should be forcing it upon some. i do not want to piss everyone off so let me state again that my opinion on abortion does not matter since i am not a woman. although i strongly believe that it is a womans choice and i would never hold it against anyone, i would never agree to have an abortion personally if i was put in the situation.

I definitely think the world would be a better person without "connie" roaming the earth. However, if it wasn't for stupid people, there wouldn't be smart people...so consider yourself blessed to come in contact with someone so ridiculously stupid that it makes even a moron look brilliant. Besides, who would we make fun of, if it weren't for "connie"?? Noone else is quite as amusing.

Making fun of stupid people can provide hours of amusement for smart people because the critisism can go on forever. Anyway, I agree that some people should not be allowed to have children, a prime example would be my retarded sister and her even more retarded husband. There is no convincing me that they could have any offspring that would be mentally healthy.


hmmmmm wonder who "hottest asian chick" is....probably "connie"'s best friend ahahahahhahaha


pretty funny stuff. Im sure "connie" will still give us hours of amusement even after she is gone.....


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