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Saturday, March 11, 2006 

Comment Whores

There is a blog that I read and the woman that writes it was talking about being obsessesd with getting comments. Normally when I refer to another blog I post it, but since this one is a rather dirty blog that may or may not have some nudie pictures, Im not going to link it here. I wouldn't want it to get blocked at work. If you people that work with me want a site though that could possibly have some nude pictures, let me know. Since I get bored fairly often at work, I read alot of blogs. The obsession with comments is something I notice with a lot of people. You can comment on a persons blog and they will answer you right away. Im not talking about you people that I work with, we have to do something to keep ourselves entertained. I would be willing to bet money, that alot of these blogs that im talking about are people that sit at home and stare at their computers all day. I do admit that I like getting comments, but I am not obsessed with it. Honestly, I don't think I would even write in this blog if I did not work where I do. With all the blogs I surf, I could easily get fifty comments, all I would have to do is post once on every blog I read. Then there are some people who do not get any comments what so ever. You could look through all of the archives and not find a single comment, but they are great writers.... do they write just for enjoyment? Anyway, while im on this subject, you other co-workers that do not have blogs, but like to read ours, you need to share your opinions. Brenda, Shane, Debbie, and whoever else has the links. Maybe you just like being voyeurs, you perverts.

I'm a comment whore. Sometimes I cry at night when I don't get any comments during the day. :'(

Since your a pregnancy weekly nut, you have pregnant women from all over the place commenting. You are nuts.

I am not a comment whore....or any other type of whore....but actually seriously, sometimes people find certain blocks of time & don't spend as much time on it as it appears. For instance, I blog during commercials on days off, while waiting for people to get ready, using blog this as I am doing homework or other tasks. I do my blog because I like to have someone to talk to & I like to contribute something to the world. :-)

man...i'm way behind on your post. sorry i can't work your saturday dude. and of course i'm gonna have a party at my new home. everyone's invited but there's no smoking, no drinking, and you have to wear clothes.

That sounds like a pretty boring party, Carla

Yeah that doesn't sound like a party to me either, did you become a mormon?

I have a few Mormon friends. Not to be insensitive or offensive, but God, they're the most boring people in the world.

I'm not going through detox, Wiseguy. My concert is officially in less than a month. Thank you for drawing to my attention my lack of love lately. I'll do a picture post of some sort later, except it's hard because I had about 1,000 pictures of them burned on a cd from when I got a new computer, and I haven't been able to find the cd anywhere. So I have very few now. I cried.

I blog a lot, and I'm aware it probably makes me look like a loser, but I like to write and complain, so it can be a lot of fun. Or just a friend to talk to who doesn't point out when you're wrong or overreacting to something. My blog shuts up.

what sam? you don't want to wear clothes? i guess i can make an exception then. awesome! still...there's no drinking and no smoking. i guess we can just sit around...naked...and just stare at each other. ahaha lol. that's pretty weird.

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